His fever was up and down. At 4Pm, he had his Paracetamol syrup and was sleeping soundly. Around 6.30PM, Ye Ye called me down to have a look at Gerald Boy, he thought Gerald boy was hungry as he was shivering. I saw him, I was shocked. I panicked. His limbs were purple-ish, cold. Immediately, I asked Ye Ye to bring us to the Peadiatrician, luckily they were open. The doc refer us to Assunta hospital as he suspect someething wrong with his blood, immediately without further delay, we rushed to the hospital. The Peadiatrician on duty that night was coincidnetally the doc who look after Baby G when he was born. He asked what happened, put baby g down and open his diaper to check. His urine stinks. He immediately diagnosed that baby g most likely has UTI (urinary tract infection). We were admitted. Urine sample collected and confirmed, E-coli, significant amount.
The nurses had to take blood sample as well. WHen they poke him and pinned him down on the bed, he was crying so hard and so loud, tears flowing out from his eyes. His eyes was opened when he cried and he looked at me, asking for help. I felt so sad and helpless, i can only do so much, i can only calm him. His dad almost had tears came out too.
He shivered again at 2am on 1/7/10. The nurse wrapped him and hold him until he stopped shivering. My Gosh!!! I was so worried.
2/7/10 He recovered. No fever. But due to the significant amount of E-Coli in his system, the doc kept us for another day to IV antibiotic to Gerald Boy. He feed less.
3/7/10 We were discharged. He was playful. Doc gave us oral antibiotics to be taken for 5 days.
We have to go back on 10/7/10 for another urine test. And 27/7/10 to do a VUR (Vesicoureteral Reflux) test (MUC), where we will know whether his kidney is functioning well, no urine reflux.
I pray hard.
He had no mood to play.
I got Tun to bring all his fav toys.
They removed the tube.
1/7/10 he was shivering at 2am. I realised that when I heard some noise, when I looked at him, he was shakin. Immediately called the nurse and she wrapped him.
He was curious with the "dressing"
He was wearing sarung as there is a plastic bag attached to his wee wee to collect sample.
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