Went to Dr. Lam, Gerald Boy's paediatrician. He looked at the test results.
He said the subsequent MCU test is unneccessry as it won't make any difference. The chances of UTI occuring again may be low. As long as whenever he has fever, test the urine first and follow up with treatment. No need to circumsize too. Not necessary. He said the test MCU, is to insert a tube thru his penis and insert dye, which is very painful. If there's bacteria on his fore skin, the results won't be accurate anyway. SO he said the test is not necessary.
I am still thinking, and shall discuss with Tun. I don't want Gerald Boy to suffer pain, if can be avoided, but at the same time, I want him in best health. What should I do?
Poor Gerald Boy, at home d. But well. Look at his dirty shirt
: )
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