He is not ready to come out yet.
Went for my check up, everything normal. We shall wait till the 18th, which is the last day for him to come out.
Doc did check my cervix, only 0.5cm.
Got home, when I was laying down on my bed, a gush of water came out, damn, BLOOD!!!
Ran to the toilet and was on the toilet bowl for about 10min, then suddenly I can feel something came out fro the V, shit, some clot...scary, just like period. Well, no big deal, doc already warned that there will be bleeding. Only need to check in if the bleeding do not stop.
Hell, the test was painful, but bearable.
Getting mild contractions every now and then. Hope baby is healthy.
Wait~~ goes on.
Found the piglet in boxes. Washed, dried and waiting for baby.
piglet!!! 2 different sizes somemore!